Friday, November 24, 2006

Prepare For WIS


I am attending WIS tomorrow. I have printed 600 slips of my mastermind group hub ready to promote at the event.

My camara are ready to take picture with the internet gurus.

This week I have my first meeting with RBI, the company I have joined recently. I went to the first meeting last sunday afternoon.

The whole room was packed with people and I made my first speech with people in that business organisation.

It was great at the event and after my speech, I received hugs from at least 20 people as a welcome ceremony.

Later in the week, I attended their first boardroom meeting on Monday evening. Another meeting on wednesday.

And a small group meeting on Thursday, I was supposed to share on what learnt from the book "Built to Last"

The first book I need to read after I joined the company.

During all the meeting, I learnt to improve my chinese vocabulary and my chinese speech. In addition, I see how these people show their leadership and management skills with 70 over people.

It was a new experience and I like the 3 core values of the company

They are:

1. Create Values for People Worldwide
2. People Are the Key Asset
3. Nurture People to Be Leader


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Visited Andrew Wee


I visited Andrew today. Had a great chat with him.

All the facts and statistics he had shown me made me want to start blogging. If you have just started your online business, I believe Andrew will be able to help you make money within the shortest possible time with the strategies he had shared with me today.

100% legit and his strategies are simple and easy for people to learn and apply. After the session with him, it doesn't make sense for me to buy traffics generation US$97 ebook because I can learnt from him.

Andrew, when are you releasing your ebook? I'm excited about this....

Thursday, November 02, 2006

She Made My Day

Someone special waited for me today and I found out from a friend.

I have to admit it's my day!

She's so cute when she felt shy and she didn't know what to say in front of the web cam. Gosh, she must be very embarrassed. On my side, I felt a sudden happiness which I couldn't describe. Something like the winning feeling.

I saw her girlish side today. She is very sweet!

Many thanks...