Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Internet Marketing Seminar ....


Here are some photos that I wanted to share with you.
They are taken when I was giving a internet marketing seminar
at my office.

Farrell Seah

Farrell Seah

Farrell Seah

Farrell Seah

Farrell Seah

Thursday, September 28, 2006

What's Your Purpose?

You And Your Purpose

I wanted to write this post because I want to let people know that everyday, we must have a purpose and we must be working towards it. It's very important that we know what's our purpose is and how are we getting closer to our purpose every day.

First thing first,

What's your Purpose in life?

When you start living your Purpose, all your your values will come into line around a single focus. This is something you may never have done before in your life. Purpose is a constant direction, an inner fire of meaning that drives you. It is what is most important to you, your values, your Purpose.

It is the grain of meaning that resides in every single things you do. When you know what that is, its characteristics and flavour, you will not want anything else. Discovering and living your Purpose is like tasting real food for the first time after eating take-aways your whole life. It is both good for you and life tastes the way you know it should be.

Discovering and living your Purpose is the next great chapter in your life. You know who you are now, but do you know who you could be if you were to live the best of yourself and only that? I cannot tell you who you could be or what the best of you is, nobody can.

Of course that won't stop parents, teachers and friends trying, everyone has an opinion, no matter how well intentioned they are. The only person who can decide who the best of you is, and what it would like to live to the world is, is you.

You Have to find your own truth out for yourself. Your Purpose becomes your guiding light, your North Star. You will also discover that it is inside yourself and so you can never be lost again.

By sharing this, I urge you to find The Real Purpose in yourself and that is the
HIGHEST EXPRESSION of yourself. It will help you

Become The Person You Have Always Wanted To Be!

Farrell Seah

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What I learnt


I took my driving test today and I failed. I was very disappointed and upset at first because I spent so much money and time practising the parking and driving. I wanted to pass the test in one sitting and get it done with.

However, what happen yesterday that have caused me to fail my test would be nervousness and I also suspected that it may be overconfident. The mistakes that I have made was driving too fast and as a result didn't do the safety checks thorough enough and I striked a pole during parrallel parking.

I think it is very important to reflect on yourself and ask these 3 questions. This is a very simple exercise but many people failed to practise this.

3 questions

1. What are the lessons I learnt today?
2. How can I do better next time?
3. How Would I feel if I were to succeed next time?

Practising these 3 questions will put you into a POSITIVE mental state. I read in some books that said

"In every situation, there will always be a positive outcome."

It is your choice whether to focus on the positive outcome or the negative outcome. Either way you choose, you are looking at the same situation that happens to you.

You cannot change what happen in the past but you can change your future by first focusing on the positive outcomes of every situation you are in. THIS IS YOUR CHOICE!

Personally, i decided to view this driving test as a learning lesson so that I would not make these silly mistakes again in the next driving test. In fact, I want to thank the driving tester for failing me this time because who knows, if I were allow to drive, I may cause accidents and get into more troubles.

By thinking this way , it put me into a POSITIVE MENTAL STATE and give me the drive to do better next time.

If i were to feel that I shouldn't have do this and blame the TESTER and blame my bad luck, I will be even more disappointed and down.

By choosing my thoughts, I made myself more happy and there will always be positive outcome but it is up to you to find it.


I hope you learn something today !

Farrell Seah

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Confucious Saying


I feel that I need to elaborate on Confucious's saying I quoted yesterday.
It means that if you want somebody to treat you with respect, you have to
first treat him with respect.

This is the law of reciprocity. It will never fail you. How other people
treat you is how you treat other people. People are generally good
nature and if you treat them well enough, you will be well treated
in return .

I can shall with you a personal story that I experienced. I used to
dislike my sister. I just don't like everything she did at a certain point
of time.

As a result, I began to scold her and quarrelled with her. I used to believe
that we cannot live well together.

Because I see her as someone that I dislike, in return, she will naturally
dislike me.

This work almost all the time .

After some time, I realised that the root of the problem actually don't lie
with her but was ME !!!

It was because I used to think of her a certain way and that is why our
relationship worsened. I began to change my thinking of her.

Strangely, when I started saying good things about her. Suddenly,
I discovered many good points about her and she was never the bad
girl that I used to think off.

I hope by sharing with you this example, you will be able to see very
clearly that most of the misunderstanding actually started because
of our thoughts.

I made the mistakes and by sharing with you, I hope you will not make
the mistakes that I made.

"How well you live is how well you treat others "
- Farrell Seah

Happy Making Friends !!!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Meeting Clients


Today, I want to say something about me and my clients. It's very important that you treat your clients well because they are the people that give you the income.

You do need to have respect with your clients and create value for them. Notice that i call them my clients rather than my customers because they have my utmost respect.

Like it or not, people do not like to be called your customers. They want to feel more important

My definition of Marketing which i learnt from Jay Abraham is

" Marketing is to protect your clients and being good to them."

As long as you are an entrepreneur, you need to service your clients and always ask them how you can help them. Enrich their live with your service. This will make you stand out from the rest of the people who just want to sell a product to you. Doing this will differentiate you from the rest of the people and your clients will stick to you and be attracted to you like a magnet for a long time.

"Always have your clients' interests at heart"

I want you to remember this quote

"Do unto others what you want others do unto you"
- Confucious

Integrity and sincerity is very lacking in the society. When you apply this natural laws, your business will only grow, expand and prosper !!!

Sign Off,

Farrell Seah

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I VideoTaped Myself ...


I conducted an Internet Marketing Seminar last Saturday. I recorded my presentation that day and found that throughout the seminar, i kept scratching and touching my nose.

To my horror, i did that more than 10 times. I didn't know until my teacher told me about it. While viewing the recording, i discovered so many things about myself when i spoke. It was a good practise to record your presentation, because you will learn more about yourself.

And it's truth that there are some things that if people don't give you feedback, you would not know. I was fortunate that my teacher provides me with feedback.

Each time i made a mistake, i learnt something.

So i was touching my nose many times during the seminar. I also discovered that i need to improve on my speech because i have many argg, ehhhh and lah when i speak.

I need to smile more and make it more relax.

I truly learn so much and I'm looking forward to my next seminar in October. I will improve all my weakness and make sure i don't make these mistakes again.

Farrell Seah

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Saturday Preparations...


As some of you may know, I will be conducting a Internet Marketing Workshop
this Saturday. I'm ready and have started working on my seminar
materials. I have even started listening to cds and audios by Brian Tracy
on how to increase your self-confidence and live better.

Personally, I believe that everyone should improve themselves in the
area of personal development. It's very important that we need to
constantly improve ourselves from time to time.

Grab an interestiing book to read. Take up books on
self-improvement and i personally recommend you to
read this book titled :

Think and Grow Rich

By Napolean Hill

If you have not come across this book before, this book has
created many millionaires and billionaires. Many successful people give
credit to this book.

You may want to get this book and read it!

Look forward to my posting these few days, you never know i will
be giving away this Ebook for FREE!

That's all for today!.

Farrell Seah

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sales Training Review


Attended a sales training today and i want to share with you
some of the ideas you can benefit from.

Whether you are selling a product/ service or just plainly
want to make more friends, please pay attention to what
i'm going to share with you here.

-Whenever you speak to your friends or clients, the very
basic is to approach them with a smile.

-The most important thing that people want you to remember
is their name.

-When engaging in a conversation, do more listening then talking.

-Always make them feel important and have their attention.

-Be very sincere with them and have their best interests.

These are the basics to building relationships and making more
friends. You can learn more about this from :

How To Win Friends And Influence Them
By Dale Carnegie

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Question my Aunt ask me today ...

I was visiting my grandmother today when i met an auntie.
She asked me why didn't i go to school when my results are
able to enter a University?

She was confused and wanted to find out what am i doing?

I answered that I have a business i need to focus on. And
until my business is fully up and running and can survive without
me, that's when the time i can really do what i am.

As to whether will i go back to school next year, i would say
it really depends...

I didn't tell my aunt at that point of time because i felt that
it may not be an appropriate time for me to give her this

As I'm thinking, it would be good if i can put my thoughts

The reason behind is really mathematics...

You take 4 years to study and the cost of studying is $7,000 yearly.
If you study for 4 years to get an honors, it will be $28,000.

That is just tuition fees, what about the cost of transport, food, hostel
and study materials?

The money you invested will definitely be more than $40,000 for the
4 years duration. This is a pretty conservative figure because i have not
added leisure expenses with friends.

You commit 4 years of time and $28,000 to get a Certificate because
you want to get a high paying job.

Whether you get a job you loves or just a job, a job is not guarantee,
there is no JOB SECURITY anymore !

And how long does it take to break even?

Starting pay for a fresh graduate is around
$1,800 - $2,200 a month and this will take you 1 years time to
make back your $28,000 study fees.

Meaning to say that for the 1 year, you are not making a profit, you are
just barely breaking even your investment.

What about the most important asset, 4 years of your time ?

It a tough decision for me because i like studying and reading.
I like to mix with friends and be in a community. However,
i want to achieve my dreams and be who i really want to be.

That's why i chose this path of Entrepreneurship.
Do you need to study in order to be successful?

Answer is NO .

Is Entrepreneurship for everyone ?

Answer is NO. Answer is very simple not everyone
wants to be an entrepreneur.

I am not in any way saying that studying is no good
anymore. What i mean is that i give up studying to pursue
my dreams. I love studying too!

I'm very confident and I have not regretted about selecting this
path because i'm really enjoying every moment of my life doing
the things that i love.

And i'm very confident that my internet business will boom.
All i need is 2 years of my time and i will get there.

I'm really grateful to God that I've made a friend that I really
look forward to speak to her every night. I can be my REAL self whenever
i talk to her and I'm totally open with her.

It's difficult to find somebody you can give your heart to nowsday.
I'm very thankful for meeting Stefanie and I'm really grateful that
I've met her!


Best Wishes To You

Farrell Seah

Monday, September 18, 2006

What I did today...


I bought an mp4 player today. Finally, i was considering for several
months before i made the choice to buy one today. I spent 2 hours
searching for the one that is just right for me.

I went several stores and asked the people several questions.
I discovered that there are so many chinese selling mp3 players
at Sim Lim Square.

And i experienced different salespeople today. That is really a need
to educate people on sales training.

A sales promoter wanted the sales so quickly that before i walked
away, she stared at me and her body language shows that i have been
wasting her time. She wasn't happy about me walking away.

There's another lady who totally ignored me when i stand in front of
her with my finger pointing at the mp3 players because she was busy
sending an SMS.

There's another Salesman who totally know nothing about the mp3 players
telling me that the player has no shuffle function when i questioned him.

I learnt so much today while shopping 2 hours for my mp3 player.
I hope for whoever reading this message and is a promoter, do take this
as a learning experience so that you will not make these mistakes in your
job and business.


Sign Off,
Farrell Seah

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Who is Andrew Wee?


I was told by a friend that somebody online is giving away Robert Allen
books for free!

Yes, it is a paperback.
Yes, it is free.

Do you need to pay shipping charge?
No, you don't. When he means free, he really meant it.

It is a book that you can feel it and get it with no strings attached.
I was surprised and hard to believe it.

This person is truly magnificent and he's really giving value to his
subscriber. I like the idea and i'm going to apply it in my business.

His name is Andrew Wee. I've never met him but i know him from a
friend. Andrew is also a Singaporean.

This piece of news will spread wave in the internet marketing world.
This is truly a steal!

I'm very happy to be getting

Multiple Sources of Internet Income
by Robert Allen

And for those that is interested, please go to :

And opt into his mailing list to get Robert Allen Books Free!

Sign Off,

Farrell Seah

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Poem Meaning of Life


Today, I visited my grandmother and found she was not well. I felt sad
when I see her suffering.

She is getting old and have difficulty breathing. She felt breathless
and needed rest badly. I can see she is suffering but we can hardly
do anything to ease her pain.

I almost was in tears when i see her in pain. It remind me of how
she took care of me when i was young. She was in great health at
that time.

20 years pass, and life has been very cruel. Every things changed.
I felt helpless and i wanted to cry. I feel down...

I want to share that we must value every part of our life.
Every thing will change.

Hence i want to share this life poem with you.

Meaning of Life
© By Ali J. McGee

People rushing back and forth
Wondering what their lives are worth

Getting lost in their busy lives
Hurrying home to their husbands and wives.

Unanswered questions left in the air.
Makes you wonder if they were ever there...

The most difficult question you'll ever hearIs 'What the hell am I doing here?'

Does any one know the meaning of life?
Is there a purpose to survive the strife?

Are we pawns in a power's game?
Is that why we're here? Why we came?

Is there an answer to all of life's riddles?
Those big and small; gigantic and little?

When you die are the answers revealed?
Because until then, they're concealed'

Hidden under vast, unusable knowledge,
Brought forth when life is abolished'


Friday, September 15, 2006

More on myself ....


I ask myself this question, what do i want in life?
I answered that i want to lead a carefree life that i know somehow
money will come into my bank account every month and i can stop
worrying about finance.

With more money , means more choices. That's when i can really be
the person that i want to be and be where i want to be. Like what i have
tell a very good friend of mine, Stefanie, that i'm a very simple person.

Forget about cars, condominium and credit cards, I don't need them.
All I want is to travel around the world with my love ones and to spend
more time with my family and my love ones.

Once in a while, i do watch movies but not in cinema. I love to read books
and attend seminars. I really have to learn to treat myself and to relax.

Been in business for a year, i was able to become who i am today is not
because i'm lucky. No, it's because i'm willing to sacrifice and pay the

What is the price I paid for?

-I invested thousands of dollars in seminars to learn from successful people
-Lost in touch with a lot of my friends because we do not have the same mindset
-suit my lifestyle for my business
-Sacrifice most of my leisure time for business eg, watching tv, shopping, movies, playing games
-Do what most people don't do, go out of my comfort zone
-Manage rejections and carry on
-You must be strong because when you start, you are alone

All this is easier because i have mentors to guide me and made my journey less difficult for me.

What most people do not see from a successful person is the process of getting there. In order for someone to be successful, he have to spend his time, money and commitment to get there.

However, people failed to see the process and because they will find any possible reasons, excuses and justification to say that he's successful because he's lucky and so on...

I have much to learn...

ANd i know that in 4 years time, i will be in a good state because if i practice this consistently, i know the universal laws will ensure that i will only be successful. It's only a matter of time....

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Passion And Success ...


I'm preparing a special launch seminar call

"Passion And Success Team"

The Passion and Success team is a group of Money Mastery Members
dedicated towards helping ordinary people embark on their journey
towards living their life with passion and securing true success for

I'm very privileged to receive a call from Mastery Asia that I'll be
one of the leaders in Asia to lead people into this programme.

Never in my life have i imagined in this position to look for leaders
and to guide them to the path of success mastery and personal

I thank the people at Mastery Asia for giving me the chance
and opportunity to lead them. I'm so fortunate and lucky to
be in this team.

1 year have passed since I started "The Money Mastery Program"
and i have learnt and grow so much.

I received a e-mail from a money mastery friend, below is the
EXACT WORDS he used to describe me :

"how's yr gd friend. watever it is, yr big bro here wishes u all the best. u're one of the brightest kid of yr age. hey, learn to play oso...don't grow too old too fast hheheheehee"

I must learn to do what the normal kids do ...

Tell you more in my next post

Sign Off,


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Qi Gong Exercise


I have some qi gong exercises by Master Kwok the other day on 12th September.

Wow, would you imagine a 21 year old doing qi gong in a park early in the morning?

Well, that was the thought in my mind at that time before i began the exercise
that day. How strange to see a young chap doing qi gong ?

Overall, the experience was good and i actually found myself relieved at the
end of the exercise. I felt tired! ALthough the entire motion was so slow,
i felt a good workout and lighter at the end of the exercise.

I learn something that day too! This is a practice after the exercise:

  1. Place your hand together, palm facing palm, and rub it against each other
  2. Rub until your hands are warm and rest it on your face
  3. Next thank your body by touching your shoulders and neck and your arms
Reason :

After the exercise, your hands are full of QI, when the QI rest on your body,
it will promote blood circulation and more...

Sign Off


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Feeling Down......


I receive a call early in the morning that there is some misunderstanding
that occur in one of my online businesses. I hurried to my office and found
that somebody was attempting to slander us and talk bad things about
what we are doing. This person have even said that we are operating
some scam websites.

This is too much!

It may be our fault because we may have made some mistakes. We cannot
be perfect. And there is some misunderstanding between us.

The person that slander us and reporting the matter to the authority should
have clarify the issues first before he jump to the conclusion.

We would have happily cooperate with him.

As a matter of fact, we are online to make money together not
to kill and backstab each other and become enemies.

We hardly have time to spend on these activities and it's not
going to benefit any party.

So the issue have come to an end. As to why i feel sad was because
i see my months of work went down the drain. I spend so much time
creating the system and all came to an end.

Yeah, but i become stronger and wiser each time i experience

Late Nights....


I didn't know that i have been sleeping late these few days until
a friend of mine told me on skype 2 days ago.

Why am i sleeping late these few days?

I was so excited about my product launch this week and the excitement
kept me going for the night. I have new breakthroughs, new experiences
and feelings this week.

I consider myself lucky and fortunate to be able to experience a product
launch. Many Products launch have happened when i first started online.
But this time round, it was different. Because instead of been a spectator
which i am in the past, now i'm a participant in the game.

Initially, laying the foundation was dull and boring. But during the launch,
i see that the system is working for me and orders started flying in. I was
fortunate to experience my server crashed 3 times in a day because of
the immense traffic coming to my website.

The experience was wonderful and i couldn't imagine that i am doing this
today. I learn so much in this product launch and have the great feeling
promoting alongside with the big names of the internet marketing industry.

If you want to find out more about this recent launch, you can visit:

When can i have a rest? I ask myself ....

Sign Off,


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Speaking In Front Of 100 People


I went to help out in a seminar call Money Mastery Programme.
It is a programme to help people create wealth and leave their
dreams to the fullest.

For your info, i graduated from the programme 1 year ago and i was
back today to help them promote the programme. It was great when
i was delivering my testimonial and what i have experienced in
the money mastery programme.

I was so charged up and delighted to speak with a crowd of
100 people at Marriot Hotel Singapore. The feeling was great.
Although i didn't get my script written on a piece of paper,
I was able to recall my ideas and connect them together into
a proper speech.

It was very helpful that a business friend of mine give me
suggestions and feedback on ways to improve on my speech.
I will keep improving myself and I value all of your feedbacks
and comment on this blog.

He told me to have the script written and ask me to add in
interesting words in my speech that will interest the audience.
I was happy that i learn something today and make 5 new friends.

It is always important to remain open to suggestions and feedback
from your friends because this is going to help you to improve
yourself and make you a better person.

Always ask for feedback from your friends, because if your friends
did not give you feedback, what happens is that you won't know you
got a problem. And you will never know until you have a bad experience
that cost you money,time and effort.

And I was happy to help a couple today!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Conversation With a Dominating Client


I wanted to make a post because i want to educate young entrepreneur
that starting on the path of an entrepreneur is not going to be
smooth and easy.

You will meet up with all types of people that will make you
frustrating and irritating. There are people who will complain
because you keep calling them on the phone but in reality you
just call them the 2nd time.

There are people who only agreed to meet and discuss business
when you go to their office.

And yesterday, i met 1 strange client that makes me so frustrating
and lose my cool. ( lucky i remain calm ) He wanted to see the
certification endorsement by government bodies of a certain product
which i market.

I have clearly indicated to him that the product have been in the
market for the last 14 years in Singapore. But this was not
enough for him. He wanted to see the endorsement and otherwise
he's not going to buy and did indicate clearly that if he were to
buy, he will throw them away when they get home.

That came so strong to me when i hear that. That is when i clearly
explain to him that we don't show the certification to the clients
nowsday. We used to do it in the past.

However, it is a fact that if you were to go to a supermarket and
ask for a certification endorsement of Health Science Authority.
The supermarket in charge will not show it to you because it is normal
procedure of a company to have certification
and until then that the product can be put on shelve.

Operating from the fact that the supermarket is practicing this, i also
copy success and which i say to this customer

" This Business May Not Be For You! "

I say it gracfully and thank him for coming. Jut by sticking to his
appointment make me money.

Sign Off,


Thursday, September 07, 2006

My First Order


I remembered the day and time correctly, it was 5th
September 2006, my first order came in. I was so delighted.

What should i do to celebrate?

I wanted to celebrate my first victory. It was working!
My first online business kick off with a bright start!
I was Ecstatic and almost feel i was on drug.

But then, i was celcbrating alone. I feel so lonely. However,
i feel better when i chat with my friend from china. She makes
me feel at ease and i wanted to hear her nice and crisp clear
voice so badly.

I always appreciate what i have and the chance to know her is
a blessing to me. I have never feel so rewarded to chat with her
these few days. It was like a dream. And I loves dreaming!

As for my online business, my internet marketing knowledge are
put to a test for a recent product launch. I was able to get an
order was also a good experience for me. Now that i know
all my strategies are working, i need to put more into practice
and be patient, wait for the results to be out.

Sign Off,


My First Post


I have finally push myself to create this blog after several months of
not taking action. What makes me want to start this blog recently was
because i met a friend from China, and also i wanted to keep a record
of what i have went through in my life.

Time is very precious. My business mentor say

"Everyone has an expiry date and have to go someday!"

So it's very important to do what you love and be with people you love.

Recently, i can remeber on 29th August 2006, i met an interesting girl
from China. It was so comfortable listening to her voice that kept me
awake all night thinking of what we have chat.

I found her really fascinating and expect to spend time out of my busy
schedule to chat with her.

Sign Off,
