Sunday, September 10, 2006

Feeling Down......


I receive a call early in the morning that there is some misunderstanding
that occur in one of my online businesses. I hurried to my office and found
that somebody was attempting to slander us and talk bad things about
what we are doing. This person have even said that we are operating
some scam websites.

This is too much!

It may be our fault because we may have made some mistakes. We cannot
be perfect. And there is some misunderstanding between us.

The person that slander us and reporting the matter to the authority should
have clarify the issues first before he jump to the conclusion.

We would have happily cooperate with him.

As a matter of fact, we are online to make money together not
to kill and backstab each other and become enemies.

We hardly have time to spend on these activities and it's not
going to benefit any party.

So the issue have come to an end. As to why i feel sad was because
i see my months of work went down the drain. I spend so much time
creating the system and all came to an end.

Yeah, but i become stronger and wiser each time i experience

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