Friday, September 08, 2006

Conversation With a Dominating Client


I wanted to make a post because i want to educate young entrepreneur
that starting on the path of an entrepreneur is not going to be
smooth and easy.

You will meet up with all types of people that will make you
frustrating and irritating. There are people who will complain
because you keep calling them on the phone but in reality you
just call them the 2nd time.

There are people who only agreed to meet and discuss business
when you go to their office.

And yesterday, i met 1 strange client that makes me so frustrating
and lose my cool. ( lucky i remain calm ) He wanted to see the
certification endorsement by government bodies of a certain product
which i market.

I have clearly indicated to him that the product have been in the
market for the last 14 years in Singapore. But this was not
enough for him. He wanted to see the endorsement and otherwise
he's not going to buy and did indicate clearly that if he were to
buy, he will throw them away when they get home.

That came so strong to me when i hear that. That is when i clearly
explain to him that we don't show the certification to the clients
nowsday. We used to do it in the past.

However, it is a fact that if you were to go to a supermarket and
ask for a certification endorsement of Health Science Authority.
The supermarket in charge will not show it to you because it is normal
procedure of a company to have certification
and until then that the product can be put on shelve.

Operating from the fact that the supermarket is practicing this, i also
copy success and which i say to this customer

" This Business May Not Be For You! "

I say it gracfully and thank him for coming. Jut by sticking to his
appointment make me money.

Sign Off,


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