Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What I learnt


I took my driving test today and I failed. I was very disappointed and upset at first because I spent so much money and time practising the parking and driving. I wanted to pass the test in one sitting and get it done with.

However, what happen yesterday that have caused me to fail my test would be nervousness and I also suspected that it may be overconfident. The mistakes that I have made was driving too fast and as a result didn't do the safety checks thorough enough and I striked a pole during parrallel parking.

I think it is very important to reflect on yourself and ask these 3 questions. This is a very simple exercise but many people failed to practise this.

3 questions

1. What are the lessons I learnt today?
2. How can I do better next time?
3. How Would I feel if I were to succeed next time?

Practising these 3 questions will put you into a POSITIVE mental state. I read in some books that said

"In every situation, there will always be a positive outcome."

It is your choice whether to focus on the positive outcome or the negative outcome. Either way you choose, you are looking at the same situation that happens to you.

You cannot change what happen in the past but you can change your future by first focusing on the positive outcomes of every situation you are in. THIS IS YOUR CHOICE!

Personally, i decided to view this driving test as a learning lesson so that I would not make these silly mistakes again in the next driving test. In fact, I want to thank the driving tester for failing me this time because who knows, if I were allow to drive, I may cause accidents and get into more troubles.

By thinking this way , it put me into a POSITIVE MENTAL STATE and give me the drive to do better next time.

If i were to feel that I shouldn't have do this and blame the TESTER and blame my bad luck, I will be even more disappointed and down.

By choosing my thoughts, I made myself more happy and there will always be positive outcome but it is up to you to find it.


I hope you learn something today !

Farrell Seah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, this I really need to learn from you ! If I get failed in sth I always like to find some objective reasons ,but don't blame myself. I know this habit is very bad for myself.
The Sun Tzu said " know the ground your victory will then be complete".
So I think it's necessary to me to blame more about myself!
Thank you for teaching!