Thursday, October 05, 2006

Associate With The Right People


Yesterday, I was talking to a potential client. I found out from him that
he attend seminars because he wanted to learn new things and to mix
with the right group of people.

I totally agree with this. Associating with the right group of people is
one crucial element to your success. There is a quote,

"How successful you are is the average of your 5 closest friends."

I will be able to tell how successful you are from your 5 closest friends.

You need to be with the right group of people because they are always
in the positive mental state and they believe in constantly reading and
learning from people and books. They have a desire to improve themselves.

They believe in investing in themselves because that's the greatest asset you
can own. In addition, they support and encourage you if you were to tell
them your dreams and your goals.

Have you heard of dream stealers?

These are the people that will laugh and take away your dreams when
you discuss this issue with them. You must be very careful of who are
the people you are talking with. It's very tiring to be talking to the wrong
group of people. It's not going to help and it's very frustrating.

Talking to them will bring your energy down to their level. You may
not understand this if you have no prior knowledge of NLP.

Choose your friends wisely .

Farrell Seah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get more contact with the people who you want to be , is very helpful to reach your success!
Birds of a feather flock together, and A friend is easier lost than found, so it's very important to you to choose a right person to be your friend and treasure them!